Sunday, February 21, 2010

Google Blogger/Blogspot line break conversion

Google Blogger/Blogspot new line conversion

Google blogger/blogspot provides an option to let users decide whether hard-returns in the post are converted to <br/>

Set it by clicking:
    Your blog admin page –> Settings -> Formatting -> Convert line breaks

Originally, I set it to "yes". Latter I decided to manually insert <br/> instead of using automatical hard-return conversion. So I set the option to "no". As a result, my previous posts were messed up because different lines were concatenated into a single line.

I used vim to convert those posts to new format.

Append <br/> to each line

Sometimes, you don't want to append new lines to block-level elements such as div, ol.
Use following vim commands:


Vim regular expression:

Another option is to write a script to download posts, adjust returns/newlines, and publish them.

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