(1) Array
int main(){
char *p = "hello,world";
char *p2 = "hello,worldc";
char str[] = "hello,world";
char str2[] = "hello,world";
printf("%x %x %x %x\n", p, p2, str, str2);
Sample output(compiled with GCC 4.1.2 on Ubuntu 6.06.1LTS):
804856c 8048578 bf879674 bf879668
<1> Strings pointed by pointers p and p2 are allocated in different places from strings of str and str2. The first and second strings are allocatd to static memory area and these two strings can not be modified. So the following statement makes the program crash(run time error instead of compilation time):
p[0] = 'd'
The third and fourth strings are allocated on stack. They can be modified. They just exist in current function call and after this function is executed they are discarded and should not be referenced any more.
<2> Pointers can be modified arbitrarily while array variables can not be modified.
Following code is illegal:
char str[] = "hello,world"; char str2[] = "abcdefgh"; str = str2; //illegal, can not be compiled successfully.
str++; //illegal
str+1; //legal, just like an ordinary addition.
In other words, array name is a reference to an array and it represents the array. It is kind of a contant.
<3> Array name cannot be used a left value. Array name can be used as pointer if it acts as right value. Pointer can not be cast to array!!!
<4> Apply sizeof to array name, you will get size of the array. Apply sizeofi to a pointer, you will get size of the pointer(generally, four bytes).
<5> Array must be initialized and corresponding memory is allocated.
<6> void function(type array[]) is equivalent to void function(type *pointer).
不能对数组名进行直接复制与比较。示例7-3-2中,若想把数组a的内容复制给数组b,不能用语句 b = a ,否则将产生编译错误。
如果将数组或指针作为自定义函数的形参,此时数组名和指针完全等价.在函数体内可以用数组名进行自增或赋值等运算,因为在一般的编译程序中,将函数的形参数组编译成指针.既f(char Data[])====>f(char *Data)