Currently, I need to convert pdf files to eps so that they can be included in latex files.
Use Acrobat Pro open the pdf file.
Click File -> export -> PostScript -> Encapsulated PostScript or use "Save As" and change "Save As Type"
However, the bounding box is NOT correctly calculated.
You can use gsview to correct it. Use gsview open the eps file, click "File -> PS to EPS", select "Automatically calculate Bounding Box" and save the output file. -
Use ghostscript. Execute following command:
gswin32 -sDEVICE=epswrite -sOutputFile=<filename>.eps <filename>.pdf
This works well and bounding box is correctly calculated. - Use Xpdf (
pdftops -eps <filename>.pdf <filename>.eps
However, the bounding box is NOT correctly calculated.