Friday, December 02, 2011

Memory allocation settings in Hadoop

Edit file conf/mapred-site.xml to change amount of memory allocated to sorting:


Edit file conf/mapred-site.xml to change amount of memory allocated to each map/reduce task:


Edit file conf/ to change amount of memory allocated to Hadoop daemons:


Change ports used by Hadoop

Edit file conf/hdfs-site.xml to change ports used by HDFS


Edit file conf/mapred-site.xml o change ports used by MapReduce



exclude directories when using GNU tar

tar zvcf name.tar.gz --exclude path/to/dir1 --exclude path/to/dir2 path/to/tar


  1. Do not include a trailing '/' in the path of excluded directories.  Otherwise, it won't work.
  2. Put --exclude before the directory/file to be tarred.