Monday, December 29, 2008

HTML table cell text wrap

By default, if you set width of table cell, words would be wrapped automatically.  A single word would not be split into pieces. Usually, an English word is not so long. But, some "words" may be very long. For example, URLs without word delimiter would be considered as a single word.
CSS property word-break can be used to force split a long word into more than one line.
usage: work-break:break-all
Unfortunately, that does not work on FireFox :-( I searched the internet and found that FireFox does not support that property. Besides, there is no equivalent in FireFox.

Friday, December 26, 2008

How to use Maven2

Download and install maven:

Running Maven
Generally the local repository is provided in USER_HOME/.m2/repository.

Three levels:

Build your own private/internal repository:
This article introduces how to create a repository using Artifactory: In addition, the author also compares some mainstream maven remote repository managers including Standard maven proxy, Dead simple Maven Proxy, Proximity and Artifactory.
In my case, I also use Artifactory and deploy it to tomcat. It has a nice web-based interface. Artifactory uses database(derby I think) to store various repository data so a user can not know the repository content by directly looking at the directory.

Deploy your artifacts to remote repository by using maven-deploy plugin:
(1) If the artifacts are built by using Maven, you should use deploy:deploy Mojo.
In your pom.xml, element <distributionManagement/> should be inserted to tell Maven how to deploy current package. If your repository is secured, you may also want to configure your settings.xml file to define corresponding <server/> entries which provides authentication information.
Command: mvn deploy.
(2) If the artifacts are NOT built by using Maven, you should use deploy:deploy-file Mojo.
Sample command:
mvn deploy:deploy-file -Dpackaging=jar -Durl=file:/grids/c2/www/htdocs/maven2 
-Dfile=./junit.jar -DgroupId=gridshib -DartifactId=junit -Dversion=GTLAB

(1) What does maven standard directory layout look like?
(1) How to specify parent artifact in pom.xml?
(2) If a dependent package can not be download from central Maven repository, three methods can be used to deal with it:

  1. Install the dependency locally using the install plugin. The method is the simplest recommended method. For example:
    mvn install:install-file -Dfile=non-maven-proj.jar -DartifactId=non-maven-proj -Dversion=1

    Notice that an address is still required, only this time you use the command line and the install plugin will create a POM for you with the given address.

  2. Create your own repository and deploy it there. This is a favorite method for companies with an intranet and need to be able to keep everyone in synch. There is a Maven goal called deploy:deploy-file which is similar to the install:install-file goal (read the plugin's goal page for more information).
  3. Set the dependency scope to system and define a systemPath. This is not recommended, however, but leads us to explaining the following elements:
(2) How to add new repository?
Put following code snippet into pom.xml or settings.xml.
  <name>New Maven Repository </name>
  <url>Address of the new repository</url>
(3) How to disable default central maven repository?
Put following snippet into your pom.xml.
  <name>Maven Repository Switchboard</name>

(4) How can I package source code without run test?
Feed parameter -Dmaven.test.skip=true into the command line.
Note this property is defined by maven plugin surefire.
(5) Why does "mvn clean" delete my source code?
In your pom.xml, if content of element <directory> nested in element <build> is "./", "mvn clean" will delete all content in current directory including the src directory.
There are two more elements which can be used to specify locations of compiled classes.
outputDirectory:  The directory where compiled application classes are placed.
testOutputDirectory:  The directory where compiled test classes are placed.
(6) How to add resources into built package?
(7) Sometime, you want to use some libraries at compilation time and you don't want Maven to add them into your package(jar or war). How to do that?
Use dependency scope "provided" instead of default "compile". Read this post for details: And this post elaborates Maven's dependency mechanism:
(8) How to build a war instead of jar?
Use Maven WAR Plugin:
First you should set entry packaging in pom.xml to war.
Then you can use one of the following commands to build your war:
mvn package
mvn compile war:war
mvn compile war:exploded
mvn compile war:inplace

Also you can filter resources of your web app. See this post
(9) How to make war and jar at the same time?
By default your source code is compiled into class files and placed into directory WEB-INF/classes. Sometimes you may want to build a jar and then put it into directory WEB-INF/lib.
(10) help plugin can be used get information about a project, plugin or the system.
mvn help:describe -DgroupId=org.apache.maven.plugins -DartifactId=maven-compiler-plugin -Dfull=true
mvn help:describe -DgroupId=org.apache.maven.plugins -DartifactId=maven-compiler-plugin
mvn help:system
mvn help:all-profiles
mvn help:active-profiles

Properties reference:

During my using of Maven2, I encountered several bugs:
(1) targetPath support on the webResources war plugin parameter:
(2) maven-war-plugin webResources -- relative path:

Install and Configure Ubuntu 8.10

Recently, I got a used desktop which would be used as linux server. I installed Ubuntu 8.10. The installation was easy. I downloaded the Ubuntu .iso file and burned it to a CD. Then just installed Ubuntu using the CD.

Vim upgrade
By default, Ubuntu just installed vim-tiny whose functionalities may not satisfy end user's requirements. For example, opening a directory using vim-tiny would fail rather than list all files in the directory in vim. So I installed vim-full which includes all vim features using this command:
sudo apt-get install vim-full
Then usually vim is configured to meet user's specicial requirements. In my case, the configuration file $HOME/.vimrc looks like:

set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set wrapmargin=8
set smartindent	"smart indentation
set expandtab  	"expand tabs to spaces
set ruler 		"display ruler on bottom right corner
set nu			"display line number
set incsearch	"turn on incremental search
set hlsearch		"highlight search result

:colorscheme ron 
:filetype indent on		"enable special indentation rules according to file type.

"highlight the 81-th character in each line
au BufEnter * ":/\%81c"
"in default configuration, textwidth option is set
"so I want to override the default value.
au BufRead * set tw=0

"when you open a file, cursor is moved to previous position when you edited the file last time.
au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0|if line("'\"") <= line("$")|exe("norm '\"")|else|exe "norm $"|endif|endif

:syntax on		"turn on syntax detection and highlight
"stop cursor blinking. Only available when compiled with GUI enabled,
"and for MS-DOS and Win32 consol
set guicursor=a:blinkon0

All available options of vim can be read here:

Firefox is installed by default which is the default web browser. Several addons were installed manually.

Tab Mix Plus Tab browsing with added boost.
All-in-One gestures Support mouse gestures.
Firebug Web development Evolved

Allow users to send HTTP requests with customized heads and data.


A developer tool for interacting with web services and other web resources that lets you make HTTP requests, set the entity body, and content type.
Similar to RestTest. But Poster works on FF3 while RestTest does not.

HttpFox An HTTP analyzer
Web Developer Adds a menu and a toolbar with various web developer tools
FireShot Take a screenshot and edit it
Google Notebook Firefox addon for google notebook application
QuickRestart Add a "Restart Firefox" item to the "File" menu.
MenuEditor Customize application menus
FlashGot Enables single and massive downloads using external download managers. This addon itself is not a download program.

Terminal configuration
I like "green on black" color theme.

Keyboard shortcuts
Click System -> Keyboard Shortcuts to display the shortcut setting dialog. Shortcuts I use very often include:
Super + s     #start a terminal
Super + m    #toggle maximization state
Super + n     #minimize window
Ctrl+Alt+L    #lock screen
Alt + F2       #Show run application dialog
Alt + Tab     #switch between different windows
Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right/Up/Down    #switch to different workspaces

Following serveral shortcuts are available only after you install compiz and enable corresponding components.
Super + E      #Expo key
Super + Tab  #another window switcher
Super + leftclick    #move the window

Wireless network configuration
Wired network connection is established successfully. However, after I moved my desktop, it is not close to the router and I don't want to connect them using a cable.
I have a D-Link System AirPlus G DWL-G122 Wireless USB Adapter. After I plugged it in, I used command lsusb to see whether the device was detected.  It was detected but it did not work. Obviously, a driver is needed to make it work. I read this post: It states

D-Link DWL-G122 USB Wireless device: As of December 2008, Ubuntu 8.10 provides full 'out of the box' support for this device, using the rt73usb driver. In this case, there is no need to use ndiswrapper at all and there is no need to make any changes to the default /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist file."

But on my machine, the wireless adapter still did not work even after the module rt73usb was loaded. I guess the reason is that the device mentioned in the manual and my device are different although they seem the same.
Then I followed the instructions on post and it worked well.
Network manager is a convenient tool to configure your network.

Network Management
Some packages and their useful commands to manage network devices

Supported commands by package "net-tools":
ifconfig: configure the kernel-resident network interfaces.

Supported commands by package "wireless-tools":
iwconfig: it is dedicated to the wireless interfaces. It can be used to set the parameters of NIC which are specific to wireless connection.
iwlist: display additional information from a wireless NIC. "iwlist scan" returns a list of available wireless networks.

Supported commands by package "network-manager":
NetworkManager: network management daemon.
nm-tool: utility to report state of network manager in text mode.

Supported commands by package "network-manager-gnome":
nm-applet: a graphical networkmanager applet. It displays an icon in notification area(usually at top right corner) for managing network devices and connections. Usually, it is started up automatically when the system boots up.
nm-connection-editor: display a graphcial connection configuration tool.

Supported commands by package "gnome-nettool":
gnome-nettool : GNOME network tools. This tool can be used to display detailed network information.

gnome-network-preference : Set network proxy preferences

Compiz window manager
A good reference:
Compiz provides some very cool features I like.
Use command ccsm to display CompizConfig Settings manager.
More shortcuts:
Super + E             #Expo key. supported by "Expo" component.
Super + Tab          #another window switcher. supported by "Shift Switcher" component and "Ring Switcher" component.
Alt + left-button    #move the window. supported by "Move Window" component.
Alt + mid-button   #resize the window. supported by "Resize Window" component.

Input Method
To input Chinese, I added Chinese language support. Executing command "gnome-language-selector" would display "language support" dialog and you can select any language in the list you want to use. Releated packages are installed automatically.
SCIM (smart comman input method) is installed by default. Try command "scim-setup" to configure scim. Use command "im-switch -z en_US -s scim" to switch input method to scim. Then restart X. scim would be started automatically.
Also you can manually start scim using command "scim -d".
To make the lookup table follow the cursor, in scim setup dialog uncheck
FrontEnd -> Global Setup -> Embed Preedit String into client window
Panel -> GTK -> Embedded lookup table

Misc. Useful packages I installed:
(*) sudo apt-get install gnome-device-manager
As its name implies, it is a device manager with GUI. Then it can be accessed by clicking Applications->System Tools -> Device Manager.
(*) Totem is installed by default which is a video player.
(*) sudo apt-get install vlc  #vlc player
Also, I tried to find a video player in Ubuntu repositories which can play .rm and .rmvb files. None of vlc, Kmplayer and mplayer can do that job. It seems that the main problem is license which means including real codec is illegal. Finally I downloaded linux version of realplayer from official real web site and installed it successfully.
(*) sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk  #jdk 6
Then use update-alternatives --config java to set default java executable.
(*) Package "Transmission" is installed by default which is a BitTorrent client program.
(*) sudo apt-get install deluge-torrent (a bittorrent client)
(*) sudo apt-get install d4x (a download manager)
(*) sudo apt-get install gwget (another download manager)

More tips
How to take screenshots:
How to view btchina in Linux?
First install greasemonkey addon and then install the script at (click the button "Install" at top right corner). After successful installation, you can set the options of the script by clicking Tools->GreaseMonkey->User Script Commands -> option-here.
If you use FireFox on Windows, addon IETab can be used.
Flashget on Linux?
Candidates: gwget and WebDownloader for X (d4x) (can be installed from Ubuntu repositories). wxDownload Fast and trueDownloader(maybe must be installed from source).
Pick the ones you like from this list
How to configure multiple versions of a program?
use utility update-alternatives.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Latex resources

[How to insert figures to Latex document]

[Screen presentation]


Document Structuring Conventions and EPS

Document Structuring Conventions (DSC)

PS standard does not specify the overall structure of a PS language program. DSC includes information about the document structure and printing requirements in a way that does NOT affect the PS interpreter in any manner.
DSC comments are specified by two percent characters (%%) as the first characters on a line without leading white space. These two percent characters are immediately followed by a unique keyword - not white space. The keyword starts with a capital letter, e.g. BoundingBox. Some keywords end with a colon (part of the keyword) which indicates that the keyword should be provided arguments. One space character should be inserted between ending colon and its arguments.
%%BoundingBox: 10 10 200 200



"An EPS file is a PS language program describing the appearance of a single page. The purpose of the EPS file is to be included in another PS language page description. The EPS file can contain any combination of text, graphics, and images."
EPS should be DSC-conformant.
EPS file format allows for an optional screen preview image.
Two required DSC header comments are:
%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0
%%BoundingBox: llx lly urx ury

The first line is the version comment. The second required DSC header comment provides information about size of the EPS file. They are expressed in the default PS coordinate system. For an EPS file, the bounding box is the smallest rectangle that encloses all the marks painted on the single page of the EPS file.
Also, header comments %%Creator:, %%Title:, and %%CreationDate: are recommended.

Coordinate System Transformation
Transform PS coordinate system according to the final placement of the EPS file.
(a) Translate the origin of PS coordinate system to the user-chosen origin
(b) Rotate, if the user has rotated the EPS file
(c) Scale
After previous three steps, the lower-left corner of EPS file's bounding box is translated to the user-chosen origin.


Bounding box

This piece of information is critical especially when  the .ps figures would be inserted into latex document. Bounding box specifies which region the text and figures in ps file occupy. Latex needs this piece of information because it would reserve corresponding space for the content in ps file. It is specified in a single comment line:
%%BoundingBox: llx lly urx ury
It appears in the one of the first lines of the .ps file.

x coordinate of lower left corner
y coordinate of lower left corner
x coordinate of upper right corner
y coordinate of upper right corner
%%BoundingBox: 50 50 410 302
(1) Origin of the coordinate system is lower left corner.
(2) Unit of coordinates is Postscript point which is 1/72 of an inch. 
A PostScript point is slightly larger than a TEX point, which is 1/72.27 of an inch. In TEX and LATEX, PostScript points are called "big points" and abbreviated bp while TEX points are called "points" and abbreviated pt."(from
(3) 0 0 612 792 is the coordinates of a US Letter–sized page


Additional Resources
